ALSA Consulting assists large investors to make the critical decisions that have the biggest impact on their stakeholders.
These decisions can be tough. Sometimes, assistance with them from an independent, expert partner is called for.
ALSA can help you with the following:-
- Investment governance advice, including process and documentation reviews
- Advice on objective setting, strategic asset allocation, and asset class strategies
- Independent reviews of external investment providers, including retained asset consultants, implemented consultants and fund managers
- Tender consulting: running a robust process for making external appointments
- Risk management
- Valuation and financial modelling exercises
- Performance analysis and fee benchmarking
- Special projects and bespoke research
- Second opinions and dispute resolution
- Actuarial consulting
ALSA Consulting has no financial or legal interests in any other commercial organisations.
It can be difficult to find a genuinely independent advisor, who is free of the potential for conflicts of interest, and who puts your interests first.
Applying the key values of respect, professionalism and efficiency, ALSA Consulting does just that.
Who is Daniel ?
Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK)
Fellow of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries
Certificate of Company Direction (Institute of Directors NZ)
Bachelor of Arts (hons)
Bachelor of Sciences
A specialist investment actuary, Daniel is well-versed in the theory and practice of asset-liability management for institutional investors.
Daniel brings a strategic focus on investing not simply to meet arbitrary return targets, but rather to manage risk and meet obligations.
His niche consulting firm, ALSA Consulting, provides high-impact, independent advice to large investors and public sector entities on financial strategy and service providers.
Until late 2014, Daniel was the Head of Consulting for New Zealand's most successful investment consultancy.
His key responsibilities were to ensure that clients received only the best advice in an effective and timely manner according to modern, best practice principles.
Daniel consulted directly to key clients including not-for-profit entities, Crown Financial Institutions, superannuation schemes and KiwiSaver providers.
From 2005 to 2010 Daniel worked for two international consulting organisations in Switzerland. During this time, he held roles as both an international
benefits and actuarial consultant and a senior investment consultant. He was responsible for the delivery of innovative consulting advice and business development
primarily in the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland but also in other European countries including Germany and Cyprus.
Supranational organisations, Swiss pension schemes, multinational corporations, asset managers and family offices numbered among his clients.
Daniel began his career in 1999 working in the employee benefits and asset consulting fields.
As an independent director, Daniel holds the following governance positions: -
- Independent director of Heretaunga Tamatea Pou Tahua, the investment holding company of the Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust
- Independent director of the Education Benevolent Society (trading as HealthCarePlus)
Daniel is a former member of the Board of the National Provident Fund (2016 - 2022)
He was the Convenor of the Retirement Income Interest Group of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries, and served as a founding member of the Group from 2014 to 2022
Daniel has a keen interest in philanthropy and from May 2013 to August 2019 served as chairman of a charitable trust dedicated to creating life changing experiences for under-privileged youth.